I have
searched the net and I have yet to find a group that consentrates on the
relationship between Tuvok, and his mate T'Pel. So I started this page
: T'Pont (T=Tuvok, Pon=Short for pon farr,
T=T'Pel). Submissions are welcome.
For all who submitted apllications for the Logical Choice Award; I have had problems with my inbox, almost everything was deleted so if you have not heard from me, I ask that you re-submitt applications for the award. I am truly sorry for this inconveance.
These are my stories about Tuvok and his mate T'pel.
...I couldn't help myself!!!
For those of you who want to read other vulcan stories.
Bios of Tim Russ and Marva Hicks
For those of you that have trek pages and want to apply for this award.
Please give me feedback.
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Speacial thanks to Tracy P., the keeper of STRS and The Funky Vulcan Cafe, for the extrodonary graphics!